Tag: Registered Investment Advisor

Our Firm’s Evolution: From Broker-Dealer to RIA (Ep. 79)

Our Firm’s Evolution: From Broker-Dealer to RIA (Ep. 79)

Many believe that the broker-dealer channel and the Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) space are the same, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. 

The real difference lies in their core focus — while one is geared toward sales, the other is deeply rooted in advice, impacting your investment journey vastly.

Brent Mekosh walks you through their strategic move from the broker-dealer world to becoming a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) in this week’s episode of Smart. Money. Simplified.

Listen in and discover the challenges, insights, and unexpected benefits of making such a significant shift in the financial advisory landscape, directly from someone who’s navigated the complexities firsthand.

Brent discusses:

  • His transition from being a broker-dealer to a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) and what is the reasoning behind it
  • The value of merging teams for growth and expanded capabilities
  • How do alternative investments diversify a portfolio beyond traditional stocks and bonds
  • How his clients reacted to this business change
  • The crucial aspects of client communication during these transition times
  • And more!

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